Heart of CompassionSample

Clothed with Humility
Do you consider yourself humble? If you do and you tell people about it, wouldn’t that be bragging about your humility?
It can be hard to be around proud people who are always talking about themselves. But is humility just the opposite—not saying anything about yourself?
The Bible says a lot about humility. It’s not just about staying silent or ignoring any successes you have. It’s about working together.
In Philippians 2, the apostle Paul wrote to some Christians who were having trouble getting along. He wanted to give them the key to a good relationship—putting others first. Being humble fixes most relationship issues.
He also let them know what ruins relationships: being selfish and conceited. Most people understand selfishness, but conceited is a harder word. A simple way to understand it is to have an overly high opinion of yourself. Selfish people often start problems because they’re so concerned with getting stuff for themselves. Conceited people make trouble by looking down on others. Both types are the opposite of someone who’s humble.
Paul then gave the people at Philippi the perfectly humble example of Jesus. Paul shared the good news about Jesus in one short paragraph. It’s about Christmas (Jesus coming to our world) and Easter (Jesus dying for our sins).
Being there when people need you and giving of yourself to others is what humility is all about. No one can give more than Jesus did, but we can give our all to get along with one another.
The kind of humility that we’re supposed to “put on” like clothing is this kind of humility: the kind that Jesus showed when He became human. If Jesus had said, “It’s all about Me” while on earth, He probably wouldn’t have chosen to live and die for others. If we say, “It’s all about me,” we’ll miss the life God has for us.
Today, think about one group you’re a part of—a school music group, a sports team, a Bible study, or your own family. How can you show humility to that group? What do you need to do to get along and show the love of Jesus? Today, ask God for the same humility as Jesus.
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
© 2023 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. All rights reserved.
Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.
About this Plan

Are you wanting to tap into God’s heart for people around you? If so, this five-day “Heart of Compassion” plan is for you! Join us as we walk through Colossians 3:12 and learn about five incredible gifts God has given you to change your world.
We would like to thank The General Council of the Assemblies of God for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://ngm.ag.org/