God My ShepherdSample

Sure Of What’s To Come
Well, here we are, dear friend, the final verse of Psalm 23. On our journey through this psalm, we have come to know God as our beloved Shepherd.
What we have seen is that our Shepherd is the one who protects us and provides for us; He leads us into rest and safety; He is with us in the darkest valleys; and He sets a table for us in the presence of our enemies.
As we read over this description, isn’t it already so much more than we ever could have imagined of our Shepherd? He is so glorious!
But dear friend, if you thought it couldn’t get much better than this, think again. This is how David closes his heart’s meditations on God our Shepherd:
‘Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life…’
David’s final remarks offer us such sweet assurance. The care of David’s beloved Shepherd brought the goodness and mercy of God to him – and now our Shepherd brings it to us.
Not only does our Shepherd lead and guide us from the front, but He has also made provisions for what is behind us: goodness and mercy follow us, dear friend!
This goodness and mercy of God suggest His immense kindness and support. We can count on God for this in our lives.
I love how Charles Spurgeon put it, “These twin guardian angels will always be at my back and at my beck. Just as when great princes go abroad they must not go unattended, so it is with the believer.”
When we follow our Shepherd, we can rest assured that His goodness and His mercy will indeed follow us wherever we go.
Then, in conclusion, David speaks words of his contentment, joy, peace, determination, and conviction:
‘I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.’
David ends the psalm with the calmest assurance that he would enjoy God’s delightful presence forever, both in his days on earth and beyond the grave.
At the end of it all, dear friend, David reveals to us that He has truly found his heart’s desire and his heart’s place of rest - it is in the presence of God Himself.
The same goes for us. As we follow our Shepherd day by day, letting Him lead us and guide us, may we too be sure of what is to come: God’s ever-present Presence and His immeasurable goodness and mercy.
May God bless you as you continue to walk with Him daily, dear friend.
In what ways have you experienced God’s goodness and mercy in your life?
How would you like to experience it in the future?
Good Shepherd,
Thank You for leading me and for hemming me in with Your goodness and mercy.Lord, I am so undeserving of these constant lifelong companions, and yet in Your love, You lavish them on me when I follow You.
I pray, make me a good follower. Make me someone who knows what it means to follow You as my Shepherd. Make my heart’s longing the same as David’s - to experience Your beautiful presence every single day of my life until the grave and beyond.Thank You for Your blessed assurance of what is to come.
I love You, Lord.
In Jesus’ name, amen.
Dear Friend, we pray that this series has been a blessing to you. If you'd like to find more devotions or be part of a praying community, check us out at www.interseed.io
About this Plan

Are you feeling weary by the troubles of life, trapped by fear, facing a difficult battle, or just in need of deep rest? Psalm 23 depicts our God as the Good Shepherd - the One who lovingly takes care of us and gives us rest for our souls. We invite you to encounter Him and to experience His peace through these devotions.
We would like to thank Interseed for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.interseed.io
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