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GLEANINGS - ExodusSample


DAY 16 OF 23

What is the significance of the brazen altar?

This altar had three distinct names. It is called THE ALTAR. (This spoke of its importance). It is called the BRAZEN ALTAR. It was the place of judgment. It was called the ALTAR BY THE GATE. It was the first thing that met the eyes upon entering the gate (Exodus 40:29).

The word altar means "to lift up." Immediately we are reminded of Him who said, "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me" (John 12:32) Also, "As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up (John 3:14).

The first and most important lesson we learn as we approach this altar is that something must be done there that we cannot do for ourselves. A sacrifice must be offered in our stead; innocent blood must be shed. Christ on Calvary, as the sacrifice for sin, is the first step toward God. We see much of Christ on the cross in the altar of sacrifice.

1. The altar was made of wood covered with brass.

If altar is made of wood, wouldn’t it be destroyed when the fire was to burn continually upon it? The wood in the altar was not consumed by the fire because air did not get to it. Oxygen is necessary to combustion. It was made of wood and covered with brass.

Brass, in the Old Testament, was considered the most fire-resistant of all metals. Wood speaks of the humanity of Jesus; he was God manifest in the flesh. Brass is that which is capable of enduring fire. The two materials speak of His twofold nature. The body of Jesus did not corrupt in the grave because there was an element missing which has caused all bodies to corrupt.

2. The brazen altar was at the eastern end of the outer court in front of the gate.

The first object we encounter as we enter the courtyard is the brazen altar, the place of sacrifice. The brazen altar foreshadowed the cross on which Christ shed his blood for the sins of the world (Exod. 27:1-2). The outer court is where we first encounter God. The brazen altar is the place where relationship is established. There was but one altar of sacrifice. Jesus Christ. There was no other approach to God save by this altar.

3. The altar stood flat on the desert sand in the courtyard.

It was not on some high - exalted place. There were no steps to climb, leading up to it. It was right on the ground, level with sinful humans. This was not true of pagan altars on which sacrifices were made to false gods. They were always in high places, with steep, ascending steps, making it difficult for people to reach them. Therefore, the brazen altar could be approached with no effort. There were no steps up to the altar - no "stepping stones" to Christ, no –“good works" required in order to be saved. We come to God just as we are. God meets us at the point of our need and there provides complete salvation.

4. It was by far the largest piece of all the tabernacle equipment.

It was large enough to hold any other piece in the tabernacle. This showed the importance of the altar, and speaks to us of the fact that all blessings flow from the death of Christ. The four sides faced the north, east, west, and south respectively. Someone has called attention to the fact that the first letter of each of these four words spells "N-E-W-S," and that the best news on earth is the Gospel.

Application Question:

Spend some time thanking God for the blood of Jesus that was shed on the altar to pay for your sins once and for all.


“Worship is giving God the best that he has given you. Be careful what you do with the best you have. Whenever you get a blessing from God, give it back to him as a love gift. Take time to meditate before God and offer the blessing back to him in a deliberate act of worship.” - Oswald Chambers


Lord, I thank you that the altar in the tabernacle foreshadowed the perfect sacrifice that you paid on the cross for me. You now call me to be your priest to the world. Help me each day to show forth to this needy world your love. I lay my life at your altar today. Use me I pray. Amen


Day 15Day 17

About this Plan


GLEANINGS is a one-year devotional through the Bible. It contains answers to key issues, application questions and quotes to think and apply, and a prayer of commitment at the end. The book of Exodus is a picture book of God’s redemptive character, of His desire to set at liberty those who were enslaved by sin and stuck in a coffin in Egypt.


We would like to thank Vijay Thangiah for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: