As the disciples reflected on their time with Jesus and all the great things they saw Him do, they probably couldn’t shake those memories of the times He didn’t move. The instances when He didn’t perform miracles, heal the sick, or preach the house down — when they walked away, leaving blind people in the dark and sick people in their suffering.
The disciples had just seen Jesus heal a woman who had been sick for 12 years AND bring a 12-year-old girl back from the dead in the same day (Mark 5:21-43). Jesus was on a roll, so their hopes were probably high when they entered Nazareth, His hometown, and Jesus began to preach.
But the crowd that day didn’t lean in. Instead, they sat back and crossed their arms. The disciples could hear the murmurs spreading through the synagogue.
“Who does this guy think He is? Isn’t that Mary’s son? What gives Him the right to preach to us?”
The people weren’t excited by Jesus’ presence. They were offended by His preaching. And as a result, Mark writes some of the saddest words in scripture.
“So He was not able to do any miracles there, except that He laid His hands on a few sick people and healed them.” (Mark 6:5)
Remember, Jesus was God with skin on and God is omnipotent, which means He is all powerful. Technically speaking, Jesus could do anything, and yet He didn’t move greatly that day in Nazareth. It wasn’t a power issue — it was a posture issue. The people were filled with pride and criticism, not humility and faith, and they missed their miracle because of it.
No doubt, this was one of the moments that marked Peter and led him to later write, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5:5)
Can you imagine the lame people that day who never made it off their mat, despite being so close to the miracle worker? The mothers who missed the miracle their child needed because prejudice blocked their view of the Healer?
Are you currently living offended by God? Maybe that’s why you’re struggling to see His hand in your life. He is a polite God and won’t intrude where He isn’t welcome. But He is also tough. He can handle your emotions, so don’t let bitterness block your blessings. Be honest with Him through prayer about what you’re feeling. He loves you and He is for you. Take down the wall of offense and see the miracles that are waiting for you on the other side.
About this Plan

Jesus did incredible things during His time on earth. And before He left, He said we would do even greater things after He was gone. That’s a huge promise coming from the One who walked on water and conquered death. But with God, what if we really are capable of more than we imagine? What if we have the power to change the world? What if greater things are ahead?
We would like to thank Elevation Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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