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Fruit of the Spirit: JoySample

Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

DAY 2 OF 5

Anchor In the Waves

By Deb Marsalisi

“You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”—Psalm 16:11 (ESV)

I love that David penned some of the most beautiful and poetic psalms in the midst of his deepest struggles. David’s life was far from easy. It was filled with grief and war. There were trials, failings, and cries for God’s protection. Even as king, he experienced enormous highs and devastating lows.

Psalm 16 is titled, “Miktam of David.” Some scholars speculate the word Miktam translated means golden or something of great value. Others reference Miktam as a musical composition written to be sung in times of trouble or anguish. Taking that into consideration, we, too, can lean on this psalm for great hope and comfort in times of trouble.

You make known to me the path of life: Like us, David knew his life was in the palm of God’s hand. Jesus is intimately acquainted with every detail of our lives. We can lean on Him for direction and guidance in all we do. There are many life paths we can take in this crazy world, but following Jesus is the only path that leads to life. Jesus says “ I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6 ESV). Jesus also said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live” (John 11:25 ESV). Even in suffering and hardship, the expectation of resurrection becomes our anchor in the waves. The apostle Peter uses this psalm to teach us about our future resurrection (Acts 2:24–31). Resurrection unto eternal life is the beautiful inheritance we’ve been given on our path with Jesus.

In your presence there is fullness of joy: David writes this psalm after King Saul tries to kill him. He knew fullness of joy is not based on circumstances. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22). In the presence of God’s Spirit there is peace and overflowing joy. We’re invited to abide in His joy no matter how hard our circumstances become.

At your right hand are pleasures forevermore: We’re encouraged to take assurance in the Lord’s right hand. The Bible uses this phrase to describe the Lord’s power, might, and deliverance. Jesus is mighty to save and deliver us from this fallen world. I think Charles Spurgeon said it best when he said, “We are also told that heaven is to be enjoyed at the right hand of God. The right hand, even on earth, is the place of favor, and the place of honor, and the place of security. The right-hand place is always regarded as the place of dignity and nobility in all courts. God is not going to give his people any left-handed heaven, but they are to dwell at his right hand for evermore.” Yes and Amen to that!

This Miktam is of great value. Let the truth of Psalm 16 wash over you in times of troubles, finding the confidence in the Lord as David did.

Pause: Have you experienced the fullness of joy in the presence of the Lord?

Practice: Read and meditate on Psalm16.

Pray: Dear Lord, like David, I want fullness of joy in the midst of my struggles. Thank You for the holy inheritance of eternal life with You. Thank You for the honor and dignity Your right hand provides to me. Amen.


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