
Because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross, all have access to a personal relationship with Him. What an incredible gift! What wonderful news! In this passage, Paul reflects on the privilege that he has in sharing this news with everyone - Jew and Gentile, traditionally “worthy,” as well as those previously deemed unworthy.
Now, while none of us on our own is worthy or deserving of God’s grace, He has nevertheless extended this wonderful and free gift to all without discrimination.
At the time this passage was written, this was a huge deal because those who would have been counted out, who would have traditionally been outsiders, now were able to receive this gift of salvation and a personal relationship with God!
Though this passage was written thousands of years ago, it still speaks to us today! Often we can look at ourselves and count ourselves out. We can convince ourselves that, because of our pasts or because we don’t look or act a certain way, the grace that God offers does not apply to us. However, just as Paul in Ephesians shares the wonderful news that life with Christ is available to all, today we can rest in knowing that this same relationship is available for us. Regardless of our past or present mistakes, we are given the invitation to begin anew, let go of old ways, and follow Jesus. This journey is often messy, imperfect, and full of mistakes, but today we can be filled with joy in the knowledge that God loves us without exemptions and can lead us into a life of righteousness through His grace.
Prayer Points
- Thank God for the gift of freedom and grace that He freely extends to us.
- Ask that the Holy Spirit would remind you of this grace and return your focus to The Lord in times that feel you have fallen short.
- Pray that, as you seek God, you would reflect His love and character to those around you.
About this Plan

This 30-day devotion will take you through the entire book of Ephesians. In Ephesians, we see the fullness of the Gospel and what it means for our lives.
We would like to thank Queen City Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.queencitypeople.com/
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