CeCe Winans - The Overflow DevoSample

The Bible invites us to praise God, but some people aren't sure how to go about it. Throughout the scriptures, several ways are suggested: singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, clapping our hands and offering thanksgiving. God enjoys His people, and we should enjoy praising Him. There are so many reasons why we should always praise God. God is the creator of all things, He loves us with an everlasting love, God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. While we were still sinners Christ died for us. He alone is worthy of our praise.
I love to celebrate the goodness of God through dancing. It's exhilarating and it brings me so much joy! There is no party like a Holy Ghost party! When we praise God according to His greatness, we have to express our praise in every way we possibly can. Dancing, singing, playing all the musical instruments, clapping our hands, and raising our voices with a shout of praise are all ways we can express our gratitude to our Father. David danced before the Lord because He knew that God deserved that and so much more. Even though God loves to be praised, we are the ones who benefit from praising God. You see, praising God brings deliverance, and when we praise God it invites the Spirit of God into our situation. When Paul and Silas praised the Lord in prison, the Bible tells us that all the prisoners were set free! Praise also lifts the spirit of heaviness, so when you praise God, depression has to go.
Personally, praising God is one of my secret weapons and I love to praise God. I keep praises on my lips, and I will keep dancing, because He’s been too good for me not to. God commands us to praise Him and that’s reason enough, but I choose to praise God with all my strength, heart, and mind simply because I love Him. Dancing in the Spirit before the Lord brings heaven on earth and that keeps me going and it keeps me strong, so I Got To Keep Dancing! You should too!
Prayer: Thank you, Father, for sending your Son. Your love is overwhelming. Thank you for every blessing in my life. I give you all the praise for who you are and for all you have done. Hallelujah!
Declaration: I will sing and dance for God with all my heart because He alone is worthy to be praised.
To listen to all of CeCe Winans' music on The Overflow Christian music service, please visit oflow.it/00ne/Gdz4fv2CLA
About this Plan

Having won 10 Grammy Awards, CeCe Winans has not forgotten the reason why she makes music - to bring the listener encouragement, joy, and love. In this 4-day devotional, in partnership with The Overflow Christian Music Streaming Service, CeCe shares the heart and application behind 4 songs from her latest album "Let Them Fall in Love."
We would like to thank TheOverflow.com and CeCe Winans for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: TheOverflow.com