Finding Joy in the StruggleSample

Day 5: Read Philippians Chapter 3
As Christians, we are children of the King. If we truly believe that our citizenship is in heaven, the importance and intensity of struggles in this life start to lose their power over us. As we come to expect conflict and problems, we can shift our focus to the end goal of a stronger relationship with our Creator, knowing that He has it all under His control and is interceding on our behalf. Philippians 3 tells us to press on, forget what is behind and look to the future. Our goal is to win the prize of eternity in heaven with Jesus Christ. He is our future, and all eyes, thoughts, and actions should be on him.
That prize is an eternal relationship with our royal King of Kings and Lord of Lords in heaven. We are his children and will reign with him. Our daily thoughts should not all be self-centered and focused on our struggles. It then says in Philippians 3 that this earth is not our home and that our citizenship is in heaven. Jesus is the source of our Peace and joy, not our external circumstances. Let’s stay plugged into the true power source of peace and joy.
As the word says in Philippians 3, let us forget what is behind, not dwell on the challenging circumstances and move towards our future, an eternity in heaven. We have a beautiful and divine-appointed future in heaven and should focus our thoughts and actions on that.
Spending extra time reading the word, worshiping, and praying will build a stronger relationship with the Lord. Even if you are busy, make time. It’s great if your quiet time with God is spontaneous, but a regularly scheduled time daily is also helpful. You can schedule it and add it to your calendar if needed. Daily time with the Lord will increase your joy, give you his perspective on life’s struggles and strengthen your relationship. This is a practical way to find joy in Christ today, regardless of your circumstances.
About this Plan

A 5-day Bible reading plan with practical ways to find joy in Christ regardless of circumstances.
We would like to thank Lana Stenner - The Grace-Filled Homestead for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: