Read: Luke 5:12–26
SOAP: Luke 5:24
“But so that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the paralyzed man—“I tell you, stand up, take your stretcher and go home.”
While Jesus was teaching a large crowd, which included some Pharisees and experts of the law, a group of people lowered a paralyzed man into the room through the roof. Not only was this man desperate for healing, but so were his friends. They had gone to great lengths to get to Jesus, the man they believed could truly help.
Jesus responded to this incredible act of faith saying, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” Jesus knew what this man needed: forgiveness of sins. Only God has the power and authority to forgive sins, so Jesus’ words caused the experts of the law and the Pharisees to think hostile thoughts toward Him. At a moment when they should have been rejoicing with a man whose sins were forgiven, they were critical and judgemental.
What the paralyzed man and his friends did not know when they set out that day was that Jesus would use them to reveal His true identity. Jesus' forgiveness of that man’s sins revealed that He is God. He not only can heal the sick but He also has the authority to forgive sins. This man received forgiveness of sin and was used by God to exalt His Son. Because of his faith and Jesus’ work in his life, many would glorify God.
We may often find ourselves asking God for something we deeply desire only to find Him giving us something we need. We may not even know we need it, but God graciously meets our needs. He may even do so in a way that allows many others to come to Him.
When it feels like God is giving us only what we need and not what we want, or when we feel used by God but not fully seen by Him, may we remember this paralyzed man. God gave him what he desperately needed—forgiveness—and He used his life to bring many to Jesus, and then He did even more. Jesus also gave this man what he truly desired: the ability to walk.
That is who Jesus is. He is all-powerful, fully able, and full of compassion. His love for you is the same. He sees; He knows; He cares.
About this Plan

In the Gospel of Luke, we find a unique account of Jesus’ life. Luke shows us how much Jesus sees, knows, and cares for His people. He continually goes out of His way to help those in need and to seek the lost. This Gospel also shows us what it truly means to follow Jesus and what it may cost us when we do.
We would like to thank Love God Greatly for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://lovegodgreatly.com