Lent - His Love EnduresSample

For twenty-three years, Jeremiah pleaded for his people to pay attention. I wonder if he felt helpless as he watched his neighbours in Judah build their Asherah poles and bow to the stars and Baal. Perhaps he felt a knot in his stomach whenever he saw the shimmering idols or laid awake at night weeping for the children sacrificed to bloodthirsty false gods (Jeremiah 7:31; 2 Kings 17:7–17).
It’s the same helplessness we feel when a loved one makes one destructive choice after another. An all too human helplessness, knowing that no matter how much we plead, cry, warn, or rage, we can’t force anyone to change.
Now take that feeling, that longing, and set it next to the deep well of sorrow and anger in Jeremiah’s words. See it as only a pale reflection of the depths of God’s broken heart. This hard passage forces us to wrestle with questions of suffering and judgement and anger. God is tired of watching this chosen nation waste their inheritance and love on empty idols. Instead of following the humble way—seeing their land as a gift and honouring the Giver with their lives—they start to imitate their powerful neighbours. With a king and some land and a little bit of power, they seem to forget their utter dependence on the Creator, and when prophets come along to warn them of danger, they shrug it off and keep living comfortably. Jeremiah laments, “You have not obeyed or even paid attention. He announced, ‘Turn, each of you, from your evil way of life and from your evil deeds. Live in the land the LORD gave to you and your ancestors long ago and forever’” (Jeremiah 25:4–5). In the end, they brought disaster on themselves (v.7).
What do we do with the tension between this explosive message and God’s unrelenting mercy? Because of all these words about wrath and judgement, we know this broken path will someday lead to Jesus, God in vulnerable human form. We know further in the future, Jesus’s friend Peter will write once again about suffering, reminding a new generation that judgement and cleansing sometimes have to “begin with God’s household” (1 Peter 4:17).
It’s sobering, but this suffering isn’t meant to bring shame. In this season of Lent, maybe it’s helpful to remember that repentance begins in the smallest of ways, perhaps with these two simple words: pay attention. Pay attention to your life, to the little choices. Do they nudge you toward life or death? Do they keep you humbly looking more like Jesus, or do they help you climb higher in the systems of the world? Repentance means, quite literally, turning around when you see yourself on the road to destruction. May we all join the weeping prophet in calling each other to a better way, and “entrust ourselves to a faithful Creator while doing what is good” (1 Peter 4:19).
About this Plan

This Lent, we’ll follow Jesus to Calvary with Jeremiah as our guide. Where God in the midst of stubbornness, gave His people a beacon of hope and a promise. We will repent of our sins and rejoice in the hope that lies not in our strength or works but in the empty tomb of Jesus, arriving at Resurrection Sunday with a renewed understanding of this unshakable truth: His love endures.
We would like to thank Horizon Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://hz.church/