The Movers & Shakers of LifeSample

When I read today’s scripture, a light bulb went off in my mind.
I said to myself, “Norma, scripture doesn’t tell you to fight the good fight of tremors but the good fight of faith!” In yesterday’s scripture (John 16:33), Jesus told us that we would have troubles in this world, and He told us in advance. Why? So that we may have peace!
Have tremors disrupted my lifestyle? They sure have. I am constantly conscious of feeling like a bobble doll head; I am aware of spilling food and beverages on myself and just dropping an entire cup of coffee from time to time. I am conscious when people stare, and yes, it prevents me from doing many of the things I used to love doing.
Yesterday I spoke of our minds being powerful computers. God was way ahead of advanced technology when He designed the human brain! Our brain controls our body, and something that went awry within my brain caused central nervous system tremors. Our brain collects thoughts and opinions. I am aware of this unwanted guest with every stare, spill, and look in the mirror. My brain stores those things as thoughts. Those thoughts try to rule my thinking and my life, just as your thoughts try to control you.
A few years before resigning from my position at the chamber of commerce, I noticed other people stepping into posts that involved a microphone, posts that I once fulfilled. I knew my tremors were affecting my speaking ability, not to mention my hands and head, bringing too much attention to myself.
“The circumstance of a diagnosis shouldn’t stop us from what God has called us to do.”
I’ve always loved to write. I’ve written for newspapers and entered writing contests; you name it, I tried it. When scripture said to fight the good fight of faith and take hold of eternal life, hope arose that even though I was no longer a productive speaker, I could spread the word of eternity through writing.
What circumstance that affects your life is telling your mind false things? Write down what your strengths are and what you love doing. Earth is merely boot camp for eternity, and we are in training. It’s time to fight the good fight of your faith!
About this Plan

Have you been diagnosed with a disease? I have discovered that an estimated 10 million people worldwide suffer from Essential Tremors. I’m not alone; another 2.9 million people have multiple sclerosis, and 10 million have Parkinson’s Disease. Daily, people get an unwanted diagnosis that alters their lives. Discover with me how to live through the storm!
We would like to thank Eternity Matters With Norma for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: