God’s Plan for MarriageSample

When the Creator created the very first family in the Garden of Eden, what did He have in mind? It is clear from reading Genesis 2:18–25 that the main goal was companionship. Adam should not have been left alone. He required an assistant. God created man to require a helper or friend. He gave him enough time to be alone before realizing how lonely and dependent he was, then created Eve to be his companion.
Spouses must continuously strive to join forces, play complementary roles, and work as a team to fulfill this goal of companionship in marriage. To establish the famous equation 1+1=1, the couple’s unity necessitates liberty from other obligations and conflicting loyalties. That is why promises are made at wedding ceremonies that will last till death parts the couple. God desired this to happen. Has God’s strategy changed? Have you not read the Bible? God’s plan has not altered. The culture is what has altered.
Is it worthwhile to carry out the divine will? A Christian marriage is a powerful message in a world with increasing divorces, adultery, and unhappy marriages. A happy marriage produces stable and spiritual offspring and benefits everyone’s physical and mental well-being.
A man will stand with his wife. This union is valid, long-lasting, and useful. People who marry sign a legal agreement granting them their family name. Secular counselors understand that difficulties with divisiveness lead to uncomfortable and expensive situations, as the same society that codifies marriage also permits divorce. The luxury of contemplating divorce as a potential resolution to issues is not something Christians should allow themselves. What God has put together, no individual can take apart, said Christ (Mark 10:9).
For two people with different personalities, temperaments, and requirements to forge a strong partnership, it needs AGAPE love. Being divine, that connection cannot be seriously harmed without being destroyed. The sexual component of the partnership is described by the phrase “and shall surely become one flesh.” There is a psychological desire for the closest possible oneness between two souls and the biological urge for procreation.
About this Plan

Marriage is a supernatural invention that originates in God’s heart rather than something that man invented. Adam was only surrounded by animals and had no one of his species with whom to share or dwell; marriage provided him with companionship. God has marriage in mind. Learn God’s plan for reflecting His image, providing companionship, establishing and expanding His kingdom, raising godly children, and creating a new family by joining us for ten minutes each day for five days.
We would like to thank Evans Francis for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.evansfrancis.org