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A Christian MarriageSample

A Christian Marriage

DAY 3 OF 3

God’s Purpose for Marriage

What is the purpose of marriage? The Bible has a lot to say about it. Marriage was instituted in the dispensation of innocence and is therefore a holy institution. However, there are three major purposes for marriage which will give your marriage a sense of direction, inner stability, and the stamp of God’s design, making your marriage far above the ordinary. It will stand out from other relationships, and be on a higher spiritual plane.

First Purpose: After God created the earth and the animals, He said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness (Genesis 1:26-27). And God created man in His image; in the image of God, a male and a female were created. The Hebrew word “mirror” means to magnify, exalt, and glorify God. Your marriage should reflect God’s image to this world that so badly needs to see who He is. And since we are created in His image, the people who do not know who God is can know Him through us.

Second Purpose: Complete each other and experience fellowship. The Scriptures point to a second purpose for marriage: mutual completion. God said, “It is not good for man to be alone; I will make a helper suitable for him” (Genesis 2:18). Adam felt isolated in the Garden, so God created woman to remove his loneliness. Paul refers to what he learned in Genesis 2 by writing, “But neither is man without woman, nor woman without man, in the Lord;” (1 Corinthians 11:11). You need each other. You recognize that now.

Third Purpose: To multiply the legacy of God. A line of Christian descendants, in this case, your children, will carry a reflection of God’s character to the next generation. Your plans to have children may still be in the future, but if He gives you a child, you will have a wonderful adventure. Jesus Christ commands us to preach the gospel to all nations in the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20. Many couples today seem to be raising their children without a sense of direction and any mission in life.

Your marriage is much more important than you may have imagined because it affects God’s reputation on this planet. That is why you must choose Jesus Christ as the builder of your home. The advice of the word of God is the most effective.

To learn and prepare for your marriage, visit our website:

Day 2

About this Plan

A Christian Marriage

Marriage is viewed differently by different people. However, God established the biblical covenant of marriage from the beginning of time. This three-day study guides you through the meaning and biblical points of marriage, guiding principles, and the divine intent behind it while encouraging you to regard God even as you strive to love your spouse.


We would like to thank Evans Francis for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: