Cover to Cover: The Story of the BibleSample

God's Power in Your Exhaustion: Genesis Pt. 1
Listen to the attached audio for an expanded audio version of the devotional + worship music
What causes us to trust someone? Often, it’s their tract-record: we trust financial advice from someone with a history of financial success, or we trust a doctor with a record of surgeries that have gone well.
The book of Genesis serves as a testimony to what God has done, inspiring us to trust and depend on him.It describes the pre-existent earth as empty, chaotic, and dark. But then we read, “God said, ‘Let there be light.’”
This verse conveys that God brought light out of darkness and order out of chaos simply with his words.Genesis then depicts God, with his words, bringing all creation to being: the land, the sea, the plants and animals, and finally, humanity. The first humans he created, Adam and Eve, live in what is called “The Garden of Eden.” In Eden, we have a vision of how the world was created to be: Adam and Eve live in a blissful state of love and purpose and rest in a perfect relationship with their creator.
This flourishing comes to a halt, however, when Adam and Eve rebel against God.They give into the temptations of what Genesis calls “the serpent,” otherwise known as Satan, and disobey God instead of trusting him and his authority. Because of this act of rebellion, sin enters the world.
The introduction of sin means that humans are now spiritually dead: they are cut off from the source of true life, which is God. Sin also brings brokenness into the world: physical suffering and death, relational strife, natural disasters…Any destruction or pain in the world is because of sin.
But God does not give up at this point. He is not caught off guard. God has a plan of restoration! He promises Adam and Eve that he will one day send an offspring who will defeat evil and death!
Many years later, God the Son, Jesus, came to Earth to fulfill this promise.At the creation of the world, Jesus brought light and life into the dark void of pre-creation chaos. And in coming to Earth, Jesus brought light and life into the dark world of sin and death.He is the Word of God, calling things to life! With his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus came to restore his creation from the effects of sin. He came to restore his people and bring God’s life-giving power into their hearts: power that enables people to be in a relationship with God, transforms them, and restores their brokenness!
Are you feeling discouraged or even hopeless about something you’re struggling with? Maybe it’s a fractured relationship with a friend, spouse, or parent that feels like it will never heal. Perhaps it’s a personal struggle with anger, self-control, or worrying, and you’re so tired of being unable to change yourself. If you resonate with this feeling of discouragement, Genesis is good news! It reminds us to stop relying on ourselves. It proclaims that God alone is the source of power.
Just as he did at creation, with his Word and his Spirit,
God can bring order out of your chaos.
He can bring light into your darkness.
He can renew every part of your life with his great power.
Whatever you’re going through, you don’t have to depend on yourself.You can seek God, trusting and depending on him and his power! Remember who he is and what he has done: he is the creator, the savior, and the restorer of us and our world.
RESPOND:Take a moment to bring to God any exhaustion you’re feeling or struggle you’re facing.
About this Plan

In 60 devotionals, journey through the unified story of the Bible. Explore every Biblical book and learn how each finds its fulfillment in Christ. Each day, you'll deepen your relationship with God through scripture, teaching and a reflective prayer prompt.
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