CHANGED! And Changing Still..Sample

Ripe For The Picking
Key Thought
As young children, we went to our grandparent’s house very often. They had a huge property with lots of flowers and fruit trees and a massive in-ground pool.
We would pick blackberries and lemons and cumquots straight off the trees and eat them. They would teach us that fruit we had to tug off the trees were probably not ready to eat, but the fruit that would fall into your hand at the slightest touch was ripe for the picking.
As God leads us through our Christian journey, our character and attitudes slowly change to become more like His. We become more loving, more patient, more gracious. We are not as rude or demanding as we once were.
When other people get close to us and get less than a godly experience, it's like they're trying to pick fruit that is not ready yet.
When patience is not fully formed in my life there will be issues in queues I am lining up in or road rage in traffic jams. My irritations are a sign that someone near me is trying to pick the fruit of patience in my life but it has a sour taste.
A momentary surrender to Jesus in these situations makes all the difference between what people experience when they get near me.
Time To Think
When does my attitude not reflect the attitude of Christ? What help do I need to ask God for?
Lord Jesus, help me live a life full of Your loving kindness. I need You involved in so many little areas of my life. Soften my heart by the power of Your Spirit. Amen.
About this Plan

When we surrender to Jesus He changes us in a moment but we are still being changed everyday to become more like Him. This devotion deals with the everyday, ordinary changes that we all face in becoming more Christ-like. We are changed and changing still.
We would like to thank Joel and Julia A'Bell for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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