CHANGED! And Changing Still..Sample

Simple Steps
Key Thought
I'm sure we have all done things we have regretted and made mistakes we are not proud of. I am also sure that we have all had moments where we have come to our senses and changed from our sinful and selfish ways and turned corners to live the way God would have us live.
Getting back onto that clear path is not as hard as we sometimes think. We wander off and get stuck or lost. The only thing hard about being lost comes down to how hard it is for us to ask for directions.
I have been lost many times. It used to always be difficult to ask for directions. Probably pride. Perhaps embarrassment, which is still pride. There have been too many times to count where, with Julia in the car with me, she would exclaim, "why don't we just stop and ask someone for directions?" So, I pretended not to be lost - proud!
Jesus tells a story that illustrates this point very well. It's about the prodigal son, or the lost son. It's about a son who lost his way at home before he ever left home and really messed up his life. It actually speaks a metaphor of all of us. We have all (at some point) got lost and wandered away from God.
The story has an amazing turning point, while the son is at his lowest point, in a far away land. He comes to his senses and realises he would be way better off at home with his father. So he makes sensible steps all the way home, nervously approaching his family home.
The story climaxes with a welcome home celebration. The lost son is stunned to find his father has been waiting for him to return the whole time. He is overwhelmed with the father's loving kindness. No matter how far we wander off, always remember, home with God's family is only sensible steps away from where you are right now.
Get up and go back to God!
Time To Think
Recall a time when I came to my senses, got up, and went back to God. Why am I so reluctant to ask for directions?
Father, You are the most loving and gracious of all. Thank you for being so patient with me. Most of all, thank you for always welcoming me home when I finally come to my senses and turn back to You. Help me stay the path. Amen.
About this Plan

When we surrender to Jesus He changes us in a moment but we are still being changed everyday to become more like Him. This devotion deals with the everyday, ordinary changes that we all face in becoming more Christ-like. We are changed and changing still.
We would like to thank Joel and Julia A'Bell for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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