The Importance of PrayerSample

Praying for Others
Let us spend time today praying for others.
Blessing Others:
The release of blessing in our day and age rarely goes beyond the “bless you” we say when someone sneezes. However, it is not just a verbal performance or a glib remark. Blessing others is a deeply powerful and generous act.
I love how Dallas Willard describes blessing:
“Blessing is the projection of good into the life of another. It’s the actual putting forth of your will for the good of another person. It always involves God, because when you will the good of another person, you realise only God is capable of bringing that.”
We are called to not only bless those we love but also those who we find difficult to love, those who curse us, and those who are our enemies (Luke 6:28).
When we realise just how much God has blessed us with, we are then able to bless others. We can then give to them that which we have received from God.
Let us pray a blessing over someone today using the Aaronic blessing in Numbers 6:24-26.
__(name)__, the Lord bless you. May God consistently bring good into your life.
The Lord bless you and keep you. May He protect you and be your refuge.
The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May you know intimacy with Him all the days of your life. May the Lord ever show you grace and mercy and kindness.
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.
Praying for the Needs of Others:
In Romans 12:15, we are exhorted to ‘Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.’ Dear friend, we are to enter into the pain, the grief, the lack, and the suffering of those around us. One of the most powerful ways we can do this is to pray for their needs.
We know that our God is a God of miracles! He is a God who changes things – who makes the blind see, the lame walk, the deaf hear, who sets those who are oppressed free! He is also the God of comfort, the God of peace, the God of wisdom, and the God of abundance.
There is nothing we cannot bring to the Lord in prayer for those around us, so let us pray today for someone who is in need.
Lord God, thank You for being the God of comfort, the God of peace, the God of wisdom, the God of abundance, and the God who transforms lives. Today, I lift up __(name)__ to you. You see their lack and their need. You see their pain and their suffering. You see their troubles and their worries. I pray today that You would meet their need in whatever way You see fit. May they be assured of Your goodness towards them today. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Praying for Salvation:
This is one of the greatest things that we get to pray for, dear friend! Jesus longs for everyone to get to know Him, His grace, and His love.
Undoubtedly, there is someone in your world who has yet to know Jesus and to accept Him as their Lord and Saviour. So let us pray for them today!
Lord God, I thank You for Your free gift of salvation. I pray for __(name) today. I pray that You would open their eyes to see You clearly. Soften their heart to receive You. Remove any obstacles preventing them from receiving You. May they come to know Your love and grace. Amen.
About this Plan

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Over the next 5 days, we'll dive deep into the importance of prayer and how it aligns us to God's will.
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