Days of Prayer to Overcome StrongholdsSample

The Most Powerful Force in the Universe
Prayer is the most powerful force in the universe. Especially when we speak almighty God’s Word over our circumstances and back to Him in faith.
Prayer gives you faith in miracles and faith to see God’s supernatural power at work. Prayer is the strongest weapon in our spiritual arsenal to set the captives free.
Prayer is taking the time to believe almighty God and that His power is greater than the enemy. Prayer is entering into our Father’s presence with faith to believe that His power is greater than anything in the universe. Prayer is the privilege of believing in God for those who can’t receive God’s truth right now.
Prayer is surrendering our will to His will and exercising something unseen, faith, against and over something unseen, spiritual darkness, and enforcing Christ’s victory on the cross for ourselves or our loved ones.
Praying is serious business in the kingdom of God. First, we need to take the time to hear from Him. Second, it reinforces the awesome truth that God loves us and that He has given us powerful spiritual weapons, like prayer, to overcome the enemy. That is why Paul says so often in his letters to the churches, “Pray for me.”
Don’t believe the lies of hell that God hasn’t been listening to you. God is saying to you today, “From the very first day you prayed, your Father in heaven heard your cry.”
No matter how much of a challenge your spiritual battle is right now, because of Jesus’s sacrifice for you, we know that God is at work. Just because you haven’t had your answer yet, just because you are still in the process of interceding to take back a soul from Satan, God is at work.
Because of your faith in intercessory prayer, God is releasing the angels of heaven, the power of heaven, and the power of His Spirit on your behalf. He is releasing that power upon you and the ones you are interceding for. Even though the deliverance may not happen today, the heavenly answer has been set in motion. The cords that bind you or your loved ones are being loosened. As we pray, we need to receive that truth in faith, humbling ourselves before the Lord, praising and worshipping the God of the universe for the answers to our prayers.
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About this Plan

No matter who you are or where you live, you are in the middle of a war. Satan has specific assignments against you that can become strongholds in your life. This plan discusses the role of intercessory prayer in fighting the forces of darkness.
We would like to thank Whitaker House for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: