Homeschool Moms Teach the Psalms (Psalms 22 - 26)Sample

Psalm 23 - Follow the Shepherd
We just read Psalm 22 about the prophetic crucifixion. The cross is the starting point in our Christian walk. From there, we go from needing a Savior to needing a Shepherd. A Good Shepherd. Christ, Himself, is the One in Psalm 23 who leads us as we walk this earth. He is a compassionate leader and fierce protector. There is a good reason that these six short verses are extremely popular and easily memorized. Our deepest soul needs to know we are safe and deeply cared for.
We see this in our Good Shepherd. From verse 1, we are told that our loving, attentive Shepherd provides everything for us so that we need nothing else. The remainder of the verses show how He meets all the needs of life and godliness (see 2 Peter 1:3).
Verse 2- Because I need nourishment and sustenance, He provides good food, rest, and peace.
Verse 3 - Because I need restoration and the knowledge of His will, He restores my soul and guides me in righteousness.
Verse 4- Because I need courage, faith, and comfort, He uses His rod and staff to guide and comfort me. He removes all my fear as He stays with me. Even in the face of death, I am comforted and encouraged.
Verse 5- Because I need protection, provision, and blessing, He abundantly blesses and provides even amid the surrounding evil of this world.
Verse 6- Because I need God’s goodness and mercy every day, I find them following me as I follow Him.
Oh, what a Shepherd! We need not fear evil nor the evil one, for this Good Shepherd is surely with us. This perfect Leader is worth following all the days of our life!
To Do With the Kids:
Play the game Follow the Shepherd. Blindfold one child as the sheep and have another child play Shepherd. The Shepherd moves around while calling his sheep. The Shepherd’s voice should keep his sheep safe from bumping into objects or walls. Discuss John 10:27-28. Copy and memorize Psalm 23 together. Make edible sheep: spread peanut butter on graham crackers; place mini marshmallows on top for the sheep’s wool; and chocolate chips for eyes and mouth.
About this Plan

This plan is a 5-day devotional for homeschooled families. Each day includes a devotion from Psalms 22-26, as well as activities and discussion points for the homeschooled student. Come read (and teach) the beauty of the book of Psalms in a devotion series created to fit your busy homeschooling day.
We would like to thank The Old Schoolhouse for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: