A New Covenant: A Study in JeremiahSample

What does it say?
God declared Babylon’s punishment and promised Israel’s deliverance.
What does it mean?
Jeremiah proclaimed a twofold prophetic message concerning the punishment of Babylon, the first of which was fulfilled in 539 B.C. when Medo-Persia conquered the Babylonians. Since complete annihilation did not occur at that time, part two remains to be seen. The future destruction of the final Babylon is predicted to take place at the end of the Tribulation (Rev. 17-18). God’s devastating punishment will come on those who afflicted His people. The Lord’s promise to redeem Israel will be kept, and His remnant will return to their land in peace. By seeking the Lord, they will be pardoned through the Messiah in an everlasting covenant known as the New Covenant.
How should I respond?
Just as ancient Babylon was punished for the affliction of God’s people, Babylon of the future will be utterly destroyed by the hand of the Lord. The Abrahamic Covenant promises that those who bless Israel will be blessed, and those who curse Israel will be cursed (Gen. 12:1-3). Are we, as a nation, supporting Israel or turning our backs on God’s people? Pray today for the peace of Israel and trust God to deal with those who violently oppose His Word and His people. The Lord will follow through on every promise He has ever made. His people will be redeemed.
About this Plan

Jeremiah prophesied during a period of intense upheaval. After being subjected to judgment, exile, and destruction, Israel’s future and God’s faithfulness were both called into question. Despite Israel’s uncertainty, God once again points His people towards the future, promising them a new covenant, a new heart, and a new relationship with Him (Jeremiah 31:31-34).
We would like to thank Thomas Road Baptist Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.trbc.org
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