
Another name for Christian believers is “the redeemed” (Is. 62:12). To redeem means to buy back, to buy out of debt or out of bondage, to set free by the payment of a price.
The redeemer pays a worthy price to reclaim something previously owned. Mankind was once God’s by creation, but became lost through sin. God offers Christ’s blood to us as our substitutionary sacrifice and accepts it when we offer it back to Him. Our transaction with God is therefore not a gold-and-silver economy; it is a life-and-death economy. Christ gave His life’s blood to buy us out of sin and death. His blood is a worthy price and provides an imperishable bond between us and God.
Therefore we can rejoice in the fact that Jesus “gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works” (Titus 2:14). Let us praise Him today; we are the redeemed!
Learn more at www.jackhayford.org
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God's Word tells us that "the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life" (2 Corinthians 3:6). Now, you can enjoy the life of the Holy Spirit day by day with Celebrate! Daily Devotions for the Spirit-Filled Life. 365 selections include Scripture readings and devotionals complied by beloved author and pastor, Jack Hayford. Celebrate! Will encourage you to live and grow in the power, wisdom, and life of the Holy Spirit.
We would like to thank Pastor Jack Hayford for providing this devotional, For more information, please visit www.jackhayford.org. |