Everyone Is a MinisterSample

Most leaders today would start feeling insecure when their subordinates begin to grumble. They would be on the verge of paranoia if suddenly there were others in the organization who had acquired the same training, skills, and knowledge they possessed. They would become insecure. They would circle the wagon, keeping out those who were a threat and surrounding themselves with yes-men when they realized they were replaceable.
As we can see from this passage, Moses was not your typical leader. For Moses, it’s all about God and his people. Job security was never his top priority. The only thing that mattered was to take care of God’s people. And to do that, he knew he could use all the help he could get. So when God anointed the seventy leaders, Moses was excited.
But Joshua was upset because he knew the people were ready to rebel. And now, other seventy other leaders had God’s Spirit in them? Including two who had refused to report to Moses in front of the Tabernacle? The Israelites would depose Moses for sure!
But Moses understood that leading God’s people alone would be impossible. He knew he needed help to get things done. The people needed other leaders who were also empowered by God’s Holy Spirit. That’s why he rebuked Joshua. “Don’t worry about me. Imagine what God can do if his Spirit is poured out on everyone!”
I have good news and some bad news for you. The good news is that God’s Spirit is poured on everyone who follows Jesus. Like the seventy leaders, we can lead God’s people as Moses did. Everyone is a minister; everyone can lead.
The bad news is that we are replaceable. Joshua eventually replaced Moses and finished leading God’s people into the Promised Land. Others will replace us and complete the task we are working on in God’s Kingdom today.
Please understand. This is only bad news if your focus is on your position in life and ministry. If you are insecure or your sense of worth is attached to your titles, then being replaceable is a nightmare.
But if we are like Moses, if our focus is to serve God’s people, then we shouldn’t worry when others rise alongside us. God wants everyone to minister because that is how we will get things done for his Kingdom. Focus on God and let yourself be replaceable.
About this Plan

Jesus calls his followers to serve God and one another. Unfortunately, Christians today expect professional clergies to do the serving in our churches. This is not God's plan for his church. God does not want a church full of fans watching from the sidelines. He wants everyone to participate and serve one another. Because in God's kingdom, everyone is a minister.
We would like to thank International English Service Kelapa Gading for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://ieskg.org
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