Through the Bible: ColossiansSample

I Dreamed a Dream
Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth.
Colossians 3:1-2 (NLT)
“I dreamed a dream in times gone by. When hope was high and life worth living…I had a dream my life would be…So different now from what it seemed.” In this Les Misérables song, Fantine laments her sufferings. She thinks about all that should have been and all that could have been. Have you ever felt like Fantine in your regrets and dreams? However, such thinking keeps us from seeing the realities of heaven.
Today’s passage encourages us to set our sights on heavenly realities by acting like Jesus when He was resurrected, for we have been raised to new life with Christ. After His resurrection, Jesus left the tomb. So should we. We no longer live in hopelessness and despair. After His resurrection, Jesus spent His time being with and ministering to His disciples. So should we. Living our lives in community, loving and serving one another. After His resurrection, Jesus looked forward to ascending to heaven to be with His Father. So should we. Recognise that our eternal citizenship is in heaven.
Father God, You command us to aspire the things of heaven, to dwell upon the life of Christ. Lead our hearts to rest on heavenly realities rather than all that should have been and all that could have been on earth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
About this Plan

False teachings such as legalism, Greek philosophies, and superstitious beliefs had infiltrated the church in Colossae, and Apostle Paul penned this letter to remind the Colossians of the superiority and transcendence of Jesus Christ above all created things and man-made ideologies. If we are not alert enough, these heresies, which Paul considered as “hollow and deceptive philosophy,” can easily creep into our lives and shift our focus away from Jesus.
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