Jesus - God Became ManSample

Jesus Gives Us a Second Chance
The incident in today’s passage is similar to Jesus calling Peter to leave his job of fishing to become a fisher of men. Peter’s last day of his fishing career was his worst and best. Worst as they fished all night and caught no fish, best because when He obeyed Jesus he caught so much fish that his friends needed to help him.
Jesus wants us to be sure of ‘why we do what we do.’ Jesus knew of Peter's love for Him, but He wanted Peter to be sure of it himself and show it in his actions. Peter being called to be a fisher of men included the job of feeding the sheep as well. Peter may have been rattled by the death of Jesus which led to God’s calling on him to be a fisher of men.
Jesus’ love for the Father made Him go through the cross for our sins. In the same way, Jesus wanted Peter to show his love for Him by feeding his sheep and not going back to fishing. The call of our life and our love for God should motivate us to do what God wants us to do in spite of the difficulties and disappointments. Are we following the call of God in our life?
Jesus gave Peter a second chance to follow his calling. Additionally, Jesus told him that if Peter really loved Him, then his love should translate into action. In the same way, we need to give people second chances in our relationships. We need to be patient but focused as Jesus was. We should never give up on people. We may need to give people time and space to reflect on their lives, but we need to be open to accept them again, just as Jesus accepts us again.
Jesus was perfect but we are not perfect. In certain situations we may be the cause for the other person not following God’s call in their life, like our spouse or child not being able to fulfill the call of God in their life. Here we have the hope that Jesus gives us the second chance to mend our ways. We need to pass on the forgiveness we have received so that our loved one can fulfill the call of their life. The saying ‘A mistake done twice is a decision’ is so true.
The incident in today’s passage is similar to Jesus calling Peter to leave his job of fishing to become a fisher of men. Peter’s last day of his fishing career was his worst and best. Worst as they fished all night and caught no fish, best because when He obeyed Jesus he caught so much fish that his friends needed to help him.
Jesus wants us to be sure of ‘why we do what we do.’ Jesus knew of Peter's love for Him, but He wanted Peter to be sure of it himself and show it in his actions. Peter being called to be a fisher of men included the job of feeding the sheep as well. Peter may have been rattled by the death of Jesus which led to God’s calling on him to be a fisher of men.
Jesus’ love for the Father made Him go through the cross for our sins. In the same way, Jesus wanted Peter to show his love for Him by feeding his sheep and not going back to fishing. The call of our life and our love for God should motivate us to do what God wants us to do in spite of the difficulties and disappointments. Are we following the call of God in our life?
Jesus gave Peter a second chance to follow his calling. Additionally, Jesus told him that if Peter really loved Him, then his love should translate into action. In the same way, we need to give people second chances in our relationships. We need to be patient but focused as Jesus was. We should never give up on people. We may need to give people time and space to reflect on their lives, but we need to be open to accept them again, just as Jesus accepts us again.
Jesus was perfect but we are not perfect. In certain situations we may be the cause for the other person not following God’s call in their life, like our spouse or child not being able to fulfill the call of God in their life. Here we have the hope that Jesus gives us the second chance to mend our ways. We need to pass on the forgiveness we have received so that our loved one can fulfill the call of their life. The saying ‘A mistake done twice is a decision’ is so true.
About this Plan

This study helps us to look at Jesus, the son of God, who became man, and what it means to us as a child of God. It is aimed at helping us see Jesus from the perspective of how we can learn lessons for our everyday life.
We would like to thank Sherene Ellen Rajaratnam for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://sherenerajaratnam.