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Be Anxious for NothingSample

Be Anxious for Nothing

DAY 2 OF 5

“How Are You?”
By Dr. Anita Phillips

When asked, “How are you?” how honestly do you respond? “I’m fine” often feels like a safe place to land, even when it’s untrue. We might assume the person who asked doesn’t care how we’re really feeling, but we can trust that God does.

As we approach our Father, we don’t have to come to Him like we have it all together. He knows exactly how you’re feeling before you speak a word, so why not be transparent? He’s aware of the anxiety and depression you’ve been battling. He knows about the trauma you’ve swept under the rug.

There’s nothing you’ll ever face that He can’t handle. He’ll sit with you in your sadness and comfort you like only He can. He’ll strengthen you to keep moving forward as He provides a path of clarity. Don’t fall for the lie that He’s too big to be concerned with your mental health. It matters to Him.

Look at David. He had no problem expressing how He felt to God. When David was afraid, God was his protector. When he needed direction, God stepped in as a counselor. In his faithfulness, God shows up every time with a listening ear, comforting arms, and compassionate heart — just like the caring Father He is.

We see God move on David’s behalf because He loved and delighted in His Son. No matter was too small when it concerned His beloved. So, the next time you question whether God cares, remember He heals and comes close. When we open up to Him honestly, He takes every burden and gives us rest.

About this Plan

Be Anxious for Nothing

In recognition of May being Mental Health Month, this five-day devotional plan provides tools for helping you find the light in the darkness. If you struggle with the ever-changing world and everything crumbling around you, this is your lifeline from God to keep you grounded and on the road to whole again. Be encouraged by this mental health discussion presented by Bishop T.D. Jakes, Dr. Anita Phillips, and Natasha Stewart-Gresham.


We would like to thank Potter's House (Bishop TD Jakes) for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: