Creating Man: Gifts for the Adventurous Sample
The Solutions Take Time
Previously, I established that you are a solution, medicine, or resource that will help solve a problem on earth. I want to dive deeper into how Adam was created and how God specifically created you.
In Genesis 1, there is a repeated phrase of God’s saying, let there be __________ and __________ would appear. You get the idea. God would speak it, and "bam" it was. This was true except for man. God did not say, "let there be man," and man was. Genesis 2:7 states, "and the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed in his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being."
Man was the only being that God touched and shaped into His own image. Man is the only one God breathed into, giving life. God handcrafted you. You are His masterpiece. He put His destiny and the DNA of Himself inside you as you took your first breath.
All of us have baby pictures. You look a lot different from what you looked like as a baby - just like an apple seed looks different from a grown apple tree.
The difference between a seed and a tree is time. The DNA of the seed doesn't change you. It just grows you into what you are to become. This process of "becoming" takes decades to unfold who you are. We all have this extraordinary DNA destiny inside of us that can impact our current circumstances.
We would be wise to apply the same principles of a seed to grow into our destiny while we are growing. Every seed needs four things:
- Water
- Light
- Nutrition
- Soil
As Christians, we need the water, the spirit of God, and the presence of God to keep us walking in the grace of God. We also need the light of God's word to mature us into our destiny. We also need nutrition and not just from food. We need to watch what we feed our soul and especially keep away from the unhealthy worldly junk that could be impacting our destiny. We need healthy, Godly nutrition. We also need good soil. I believe every believer needs the soil of a local church and community. This community allows us to grow steadily in Christ.
You are the solution. It will take time for it to manifest. Be diligent about water, light, nutrition and soil. You will eventually arrive, and you will and enjoy your journey!
About this Plan
The biblical identity of the Christian man goes deeper than the labels that society may give. So, where does this leave the Christian man? In this series, Dr. Doug Weiss dives deep into the creation of man, the foundation of why men were created, masculine identity in Christ, and how YOU can make a multi-generational impact in the lives of your children, spouse, co-workers, and more!
We would like to thank Dr. Doug Weiss for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: