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Church in the WildSample

Church in the Wild

DAY 4 OF 5

We Love our Enemies

As we take a tour of Acts, we need to acknowledge the persecution of the early church. Just as Jesus was opposed by the religious establishment of the day, so were the apostles. The followers of Jesus had a different flavour, and some did not like it. The stoning to death of Stephen in Acts 7 is a perfect example: he preached freedom in Christ to them from the scriptures, and all they heard was a threat to their power, so they killed him. Again and again, we see the apostles being dragged off to jail because the followers of Jesus had great power that none could rival. They changed things for the better wherever they went.

Jesus warned His disciples that they would receive similar treatment. In Ephesus, there was a riot because many made money from the worship of Artemis, and if everyone worshiped Jesus instead, they’d lose a lot of money.

We see a similar thing in Philippi. Paul and Silas are jailed because they set her free of demonic oppression, which meant no more money for her owners. So the businessmen incited a mob to have them beaten and imprisoned.

But God can use all things for good. If the apostles weren’t persecuted, they probably wouldn’t have travelled as widely as they did, spreading the gospel message. Reading about the beatings and imprisonment of the apostles can encourage us to live our Christianity so free and full of life that the kingdom of darkness feels threatened. Paul and Silas knew this and sat in chains, in a dank, disgusting jail, singing God’s praises. The guards were saved because of their incredible joy amid suffering.

Most of us face persecution because of people’s preconceptions of what or who Christians are. They treat you differently when they hear you go to church. But our battle is not against flesh and blood people but the kingdom of darkness. We are salt and light, flavour and freedom.

"And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us." - Acts 17:26-27

Prayer Point: Heavenly Father, we thank you that You can work all things for good, even when we can’t see it immediately. Help me today to be salt and light, an ambassador for You in every conversation I have. Strengthen me today and strengthen all Your people who are suffering for proclaiming You to the world. Bless Your persecuted church today, and may Your gospel continue to spread despite the enemy’s opposition. Amen

About this Plan

Church in the Wild

This plan is to empower you in your ministry. We want you to feel equipped and anointed to walk in the purpose of God every day of the week, not just on Sundays. Watch as we delve into the books of Luke and Acts and see how ministry belongs in the hands of the people. We are all called to make a difference as a Church in the Wild.


We would like to thank C3 SYD for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: