Missions Among the Unreached: The 14-Day Live Dead ChallengeSample

I was asked how I feel about the dangers—the possibilities of harm and death—that could be involved in following through on this calling.
In prayer, I cry with Jesus over these matters, over the ramifications on our children, my husband, me, our marriage, and the work. We cry together. Jesus speaks to me comfortingly, “All die.” I know that these words may not comfort all, but they comfort me. They mean so much to me, these two words. They give me such peace. They humble me. They bring me clarity. They ground me with perspective for living well.
We do not live free from pressure. We feel “watched.” I am not always sure whom to trust in the community. I have had nightmares here of what could happen. I have picked up the phone and heard shouting in Somali. I have been chased down the street by a Somali man clearly asking from me what he should never have asked. I have friends who Somalis have harassed. We have American friends who constantly misunderstand us and wish we’d forget about these Somalis. It affects the clothes I wear and what my young daughters wear.
I don’t think we pay too high a price.
I feel what I can do is obey. I feel what I can do is trust God. I feel what I can do is walk with the Lord. We do all die. We have one life then to live, to give. One life. How could I do anything but that to which I am called?
There is much to fear. Things I can think of cause me to tremble, and things I know I cannot think of bringing me much trembling. I know there are costs. Some costs I can see, and some I know I don’t see yet or never will. As I take my mind to Jesus, I lose the fears. I find the peace that doesn’t originate with me and goes deep enough for me to stand in. I find joy in His leading and what He is leading me into. I can begin to see how my great Lord is piecing many things together and considering all our needs and desires.
Death is so normal. Death touches all. Death often comes unannounced. I cannot control it, nor will I be ruled by some irrational fear of it. What fools who do! I most likely won’t know it is coming. It could come today or tomorrow: harm, the same.
I feel that God is doing something great in our lives. I dream to live long and peacefully and joyfully in Somalia, lead and establish, and rise with the empowerment of Jesus to the unbelievable tasks ahead. I intend to make a home that exalts Christ in all things. I intend to lead my children in joy. I intend to love my husband here long and well.
The possibility of death will not rule me and I feel I would be a fool to think that my life anywhere is free from death. I hope that God’s work in my heart is not a sign of what we must face. I see it as a terrible (meaning huge and strong) privilege to serve God among these lost. And I surrender with great joy to His plan, trusting however He plans to sow our lives.
Spend some time reflecting on your own physical death. Are you ready? Do you see it as an end or a beginning? Are you prepared to answer the call of Jesus to an unreached people of the world if it means you or someone in your family dies? Is Jesus worth dying for? Are you willing to die for Jesus? If Jesus called you to work among a dangerous people group like the Somalis, the Taliban, Hezbollah, or Hamas, would you do it? Would you take your family there? How would you live today if you knew you would die this evening? Go out and live today in that spirit.
The Somalis’ favorite food is milk, any milk, but especially camel milk. The Somali word maal means “to milk.” Adding the particle soo makes it reflexive—that is, soo maal means “milk for yourself.” When the people received a guest, they would express their hospitality by telling them “soo maal,” that is, feel so welcome and at home that you would milk my camel for yourself anytime you want. This traditional hospitality statement eventually became the name for the people themselves—Somali. Whenever you drink milk, think of Somali hospitality and say a prayer for them to welcome our Lord Jesus with this traditional warmth.
About this Plan

To live dead is to live a life wholly for Jesus. To die to self, knowing God will do a greater work through you. This 14-day reading plan looks at character-based missions among the unreached. Each day includes a way to pray for unreached people in East Africa and a challenge to live and die for Jesus so that He might be made famous among all peoples of the earth.
We would like to thank Assemblies of God World Missions for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.livedead.org/
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