Deep Dive 14Sample

Have you ever stopped to wonder what the deal is with wearing brand names? We pay a lot of money to wear a company's logo or name on our shirt or jeans, just so people will know how cool we are. But we're essentially paying to advertise for that company! Somewhere along the way, people in marketing managed to completely blind us to their schemes. But in some ways, we humans had it coming to us. There is something in us that would prefer to buy what we want rather than get it the hard way. It's easier to try to buy coolness and the acceptance of our peers by wearing the right clothes than being vulnerable with them and developing personalities that shine through. Simon, the man you will be reading about today, was so anxious to be a part of the church and to have the attention he wanted, that he tried to buy spiritual gifts.
After you read today's Scripture, take a few moments to ask yourself if you've ever tried to "buy" your way into church. Make a commitment today to do the hard work of building relationships within the church, instead of looking for a quick way to find acceptance.
About this Plan

Dive deeper. Swim farther. This 14 day reading plan for teens helps take your spirituality to the next level. You will have the opportunity to dive into God's Word and be challenged through daily devotionals along the way.
We'd like to thank OneHope for their generosity in providing the structure for the OneHope (Dive Deep) reading plan. To learn more about, visit their website at