Pursuing PurposeSample

Long division is tough – especially for a four-year-old. I know what you’re thinking. “Why would a preschooler do long division?” And that’s exactly my point. He wouldn’t. Only after several years of scribbling numbers, of learning basic math, and of memorizing a multiplication table would little Timmy even think of tackling such a math problem.
So why are we trying to accomplish our purpose before we’ve even taken the first step? Why are we so stressed about the end result when God promises – PROMISES – that if we commit our plans to Him that we WILL succeed? The God of our purpose is also the God of our progress.
Throughout the book of 1 Samuel we learn more and more about David. We know from yesterday’s devotion that David had a few skills that others might deem “useless” and “lowly.” We learned that David’s harp playing was a part of the process leading to purpose. Playing the harp led to an encounter with the king, which led to playing for King Saul, which led to a new job as Armor Bearer, which led to… well, read on to find out.
Even though David played music for the king and helped in the palace, he still traveled back and forth to tend his sheep. Keeping watch over them required progression in confidence and authority and leadership skills. Protecting them from bears and lions required progression in God-given and God-grown skills.
Perhaps he was right in the middle of gazing on the flock when David’s father asked him to take food to David’s brothers who were on the battlefield with King Saul.
So here goes David, the “lowly” shepherd, onto the battlefield, not with a spear and sword, but with… bread. But I believe on this particular day, something changed in David.
On this day, non-battle-ready David went to deliver food to his brothers at the army camp. When he arrived, he realized the brothers and the entire army were up against a huge enemy. They were living in fear and terror and were even beaten down emotionally by the words of the enemy.
That’s when a light went off in David’s mind. He knew – in that moment – he had been created on purpose and for a purpose. He knew his hillside harp playing actually had been a part of the process and his dangerous encounters in the shepherd field had been a part of the progress. All his “useless” talents and “lowly” skills were about to pay off. David, who had an “in” with the king because of his harp playing, boldly approached him and said: “I’ll go and fight the enemy myself!”
What progress are you going through right now that God can and wants to use for His glory and your purpose? Where do you have Fear Of What Others Think (FOWOT) when it comes to the progress God has for you?
Little Timmy needs to grow in his math skills before mastering long division or even before knowing long division exists. David had to grow in his shepherding skills before ever knowing there would be a giant in his future. And, listen closely and say this aloud if it helps: God has custom-designed progress in areas of your life, long before you may ever know your purpose. Are you trusting Him today with the path of progress He has for you?
Personal Reflection:
When you think of your spiritual progress and growth, where have you compared yourself to others and had FOWOT? When you think of your progress and growth with purpose, with relationships, and work, and with life experiences, where have you compared yourself to others and had FOWOT? How can you turn that around and, instead, compare yourself to the word of God? Before moving on, ask God to reveal to you His plan of growth and progress in these areas then trust that He has the purpose waiting ahead.
About this Plan

No matter your age, experiences, or place in life, God has a purpose custom designed just for you. Have you discovered your purpose, or are you comparing yourself to others, wondering how God can use your talents, skills, and experiences for good? Forget FOMO. This reading plan is about FOWOT. Fear of what others think. Be challenged to overcome insecurity and self-doubt and, instead, passionately pursue purpose.
We would like to thank On3Ministries for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.on3ministries.com
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