21 Days of Prayer and FastingSample

I was broken. She could see it. "Come here." She grabbed my arm, pulled me close, and hugged me. She didn't let go. I cried, she held, and the weight lifted.
That hug was many years ago, yet it is not difficult to recall how it made me feel.
Friends, our days are heavy. Jesus promises us rest from our heavy. He promises rest from our burden.
But first, He says, "Come here."
Maybe you find yourself crying as you drive alone in your car. Maybe you are overwhelmed as you walk into yet another meeting with an uncertain future. Maybe you are broken with the weight of today, knowing it will carry into tomorrow.
It is in these moments He whispers, "Come here." It is here He pulls you close. Feel the touch of Jesus. Feel the embrace of your Savior. Here we find rest for our wearied and tired souls.
As we focus on fasting and talking with Jesus these 21 Days, may you feel your heavy lift. May you hear Him whisper, "Come here."
- Cheri Fiorucci, Bellingham Campus
About this Plan

"He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30). This is the essence of Biblical fasting; decrease and increase. Saying "no" (decrease) to something good to say "yes" (increase) to something, or Someone, better. As we deny ourselves, it is important to keep our focus on the One we are pursuing. This 21-day devotional journey is written by various people, just like you, from Cornwall Church.
We would like to thank Cornwall Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.cornwallchurch.com/