21 Days of Prayer and FastingSample

Our human desire for worldly things leaves us disappointed. We accumulate things to make us happy, yet we are never satisfied.
Paul learned the secret of being content in every situation, and we can too. When we find our identity in the Lord, we can do all things through Him. This does not mean we can achieve anything we want. It means we can endure anything through His sufficient provision and strength.
In January 2012, days after writing my annual goals and calendaring upcoming cycling events and trips, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Just like that, my plans were canceled. God had a different plan, which included prayer time and studying His word. He provided me with the strength to endure the surgeries, chemo, and distressing consequences on my body. I praise God for my healing and especially for strengthening my heart for Him. True contentment is found in Christ alone.
During this time of fasting and prayer, let's rest in our conviction that God's provision is sufficient for every circumstance. Lean into Him because, in Him, we have everything we need.
- T.J. Bradley, Online campus
About this Plan

"He must increase, but I must decrease." (John 3:30). This is the essence of Biblical fasting; decrease and increase. Saying "no" (decrease) to something good to say "yes" (increase) to something, or Someone, better. As we deny ourselves, it is important to keep our focus on the One we are pursuing. This 21-day devotional journey is written by various people, just like you, from Cornwall Church.
We would like to thank Cornwall Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.cornwallchurch.com/