52 Bible Verses to Teach Your KidsSample

Any chaos in this world results from people not fearing the Lord. What does it mean to fear the Lord? It means to revere and respect and honor the Lord. It means to see God and His thoughts take authority and priority over your own. When we decide we know better than God and reject the Bible as our guide, we’ll end up experiencing pain and brokenness God never intended. Wise people build their lives on God’s truth.
Have you ever ignored the wisdom of your parents, pastor, or teacher? What happened? Who is the ultimate authority in your life?
I trust God and His Word above all other human wisdom. His Word has the final authority in my life.
About this Plan

Each of these 52 Bible verses is formative to our understanding of God, the world, and our lives. Read the devotional with your child. Ask them the question and have them read the confession out loud. If they are old enough, they can read it, but they can help them understand the verse and how it applies to their lives.
We would like to thank Samuel Deuth for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1647441269