The Radical Money ManifestoSample

Pride or Privacy?
Matthew 6:3-4
But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
When it comes to giving to the poor, Jesus says, “when you give alms”. He assumes that his followers will be givers. His concern is that giving should be done not with an eye to impress the wider society but done secretly. People who give to win others’ praise have been rewarded already, but God rewards any giving done in secret.
Many cultures have fundraising events that provide a stage for flaunting both wealth and giving. In some events, individuals come to the front where their donations are announced to everyone.
Jesus rather bluntly questions such self-serving events. He directs his followers to address needs in ways that do not draw attention to themselves. In most cultures, money and the way it is used is the main way to exercise power. For Jesus, money is not to be an instrument of power, but of compassion. Therefore, money and possessions are not to be accumulated for the sake of having more or to demonstrate how successful or blessed a person is. Instead, if I have an abundance of wealth and stuff, God has given these to me for a reason. My treasure is to be used not for myself or for advancing personal agendas, but for the common good. Jesus makes the uncomfortable observation that the way one uses money is a straightforward revelation of the orientation of one’s heart, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).
Reflection Questions
Read Jesus’s teaching in Matthew 6:1-4 and Luke 12:32-33a again. Ask God through his Spirit to show you what matters to you. Do you crave public admiration for your wealth and your generosity? Or, do you seek God’s blessing by giving humbly and generously in private? What treasure does your heart desire most?
About this Plan

Does is seem strange that loving God and others more fully would be the result of a book focused on money? Dig into these excerpts showing what Jesus taught and we forgot. Swap duty for freedom, worry for gratitude, envy for joy as you begin to understand your calling to be God’s steward.
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