Harvest 365Sample

The first verse of today’s reading starts off with Paul’s example of discipleship. Imitate me as I imitate Christ. I think we can all agree that having a mentor or a role model/disciples in our faith is an important part of our Christian journey. But the question remains: Who are we imitating?
Obviously, Paul is a great example. A life turned around, steadfast in faith, passionate about the gospel, courageous, and well educated in the word, but we only have access to Paul through his writings to the early church. These are important and extremely helpful,l but I think we need to have someone closer.
We often look at church leaders and YouTube pastors as people we inspire to be like, but we can’t all have a close personal relationship with them. Discipleship is life on life, close contact, personal, meaningful, and lasting. We need someone closer.
Who are you being mentored by? Who are you imitating as they imitate Christ? Discipleship is a key part of the Christian journey and doesn’t happen in a Sunday service. It happens in the living room, in the cafe, in prayer, in closeness. Discipleship is not an event or a course, it is a journey.
Pay close attention to who you are following, and who is following you as a key part of your discipleship journey is to disciple others.
Andrew Cartledge - Senior Pastor - Harvest Church
About this Plan

This journey through the Bible will keep you engaged and connected in the Word by reading a different section each day of the week. There is something fresh about the Word everyday through this plan. It opens our eyes to the truth in the Scripture without being discouraged by not keeping up.
We would like to thank Harvest Church for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://www.harvestchurch.org.au