Extended VictorySample

From high flyer to crash pilot: Elijah
First read: 1 Kings 19
Do you know situations in your life where you are convinced of something, you commit your-self, spend energy and resources and in the end it seems that it has all been in vain?
Elijah, the prophet of God, just had a triumphant success: he had won a contest with 450 priests of Baal and shown the people of Israel the greatness of the true God. The king's wife, Jezebel, then told him through a messenger that she will have him, Elijah killed. This is not what he had expected. He had probably expected that after this demonstration of his superior-ity, the king and queen would now also embrace the one God of Israel without compromise. But that's not how it works in this world.
Elijah is disappointed, he is resigned because of his futile efforts. He lapses into fear, doubts himself, he even despairs and flees into the desert, only desiring to be alone and to die.
In today's terms, that sounds like depression and burn-out.
This can also happen to Christians, it has happened to me and I know other believers who shared the same experience. We sometimes feel disappointment because we have placed our hopes and expectations in people. A crisis reminds us: put your trust in God alone - he will not disappoint you. Jesus also had to endure this experience, although he knew it in advance. Peter denied him and his disciples abandoned him. What did Jesus do? He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane - alone and he put his trust in God alone - his Father.
No one can live by the faith he had yesterday. Your faith must undergo a new test every day. Crises will come, we will make mistakes and we will doubt.
How did God react in Elijah’s case? First he provided for him, then he showed himself to him, in silence and seclusion, and then he gave him a new mission. He gave Elijah a goal again and with it meaning and hope.
Next Step: Pray in silence to your heavenly Father. Also use opportunities for prayer in your church.
About this Plan

No one is perfect! How can we manage our mistakes, failures and breakdowns? The bible is full of people who failed, yet most of them are used by God. From their failures we can learn that God will lead us into a life of victory.
We would like to thank ICF München for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://icf-muenchen.de
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