God’s Voice: The Gentle Whisper After The FireSample

“Blessed Are Those Who Hear The Word And Obey It”
Jesus commented, “Even more blessed are those who hear God’s Word and guard it with their lives!” (Luke 11:28 MSG)
Jesus said that even more blessed are those of us who hear God’s words and obey them.
There is no price equal to or greater than the value of what God speaks to us. His words are the most precious keepsake there is and worthy of us treating them as such.
When we listen and surrender to Him and His voice, it is His promise to us that His incredible blessings for us will follow.
About this Plan

Knowing and being able to recognize the voice of God is essential to our lives every single day because the Lord is always speaking to us and guiding us in the way we should go. This 7-day plan was written to highlight the beauty and value of spending intimate time in the Word and in the Presence of God, conversing with Him and intently listening for His voice daily.
We would like to thank TAI EAST for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://aspiritkissedsoul.com/