7-Day Reset With JesusSample

Jesus Changes Everything
In John 4, Jesus crosses every barrier to meet this “Woman at the Well.” There is a race barrier, a gender barrier, a cultural barrier, an economic barrier and more! Just like He did for this woman, Jesus is willing to cross every barrier imaginable to meet with you right now.
No matter who you are or what you’ve done, Jesus stands ready to reset your life. As we read yesterday, Jesus stands up for us and wants to write a new chapter of faith in our lives.
But in order to come to Him, we must be willing to come in humility and admit our need. We no longer have to run after things that leave us empty because we’ve found something better—a relationship with Jesus.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus describes Himself as “living water” and later as “the bread of life.” When we drink and eat, we are always hungry again. But Jesus says when we come to Him, we are eternally satisfied.
Psalm 63:3 Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.
Come to Jesus with your need. Confess where you have fallen short. Invite Him to lead your life and satisfy your soul.
About this Plan

Join hundreds of thousands around the country in engaging Scripture. Together we’ll learn the importance of spending time with Jesus, experiencing the truth that Jesus changes everything. In Jesus we are reset.
We would like to thank Together 2016 for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://reset2016.com