Finding Happiness in Christ (Series 2)Sample

Loneliness, the thief of life and joys
Bear one another burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Gal. 6:2)
Recent news reports on a study that suggests that loneliness can affect the quality and length of life. A study from the Archives of Internal Medicine says that feeling lonely can increase the risk of premature death. A study that looked at nearly 45,000 people said that people who lived alone were more likely to die of heart attacks and strokes than those who lived with other people. The condition alone increased the risk of heart disease and death by 24% among people aged 45-65 years and 12% among 66-80 years.
There is an easy explanation for this. For example, people who live alone don't eat well and don't have anyone else to remind them to take medicine. But this is not the whole story. A second study suggests that even feelings of loneliness have negative health effects. The study focused on people aged 60 years and over and showed that men and women were 45% more likely to die during the period in which they said they felt lonely. It was also reported that people who feel lonely are not always alone. That means that the church community can play a role in helping people become healthier and happier.
Reflection: Sharing love means we want to give our lives for others. That love flows through care, ministry, and self-sacrifice. Let's try to have the ability to share the love.
At the end of a day, the amount of joy you experience is the amount of joy you choose to experience.
(Kay Warren)
About this Plan

The journey of human life always wants to lead to happiness. However, what kind of concept of happiness do we need to discover? The happiness concept in God's word is different from what the world teaches. So, what is true happiness that the Bible teaches? This series of devotionals on happiness will help us find true happiness in Christ.
We would like to thank Bethany Church (Singapore) for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: