Lifetime Daily DevotionsSample
And they launched out.
Luke 8:22
They were doing exactly what Jesus told them to do; and yet, by following His instructions, they set sail into a night that would be filled with terror.
And where was He? He was with them, of course. And don't you think He knew what was to come? He also knew that they were well-trained, competent, hardy boatmen.
Well, their "competency" got a trifle shaky, to say the least, as the winds got stronger, tossing them down into the valley of one wave and throwing them up to the peak of another. And they could have kept on trying, yelling to each other, "We can do it! Hang on! We'll make it! It's slacking!"
But they chose another tack. Someone groped his way to the back of the boat, shook Jesus and said, "Master! Wake up! We've got a big problem here! We're swamping."
Jesus calmed the waves first. Then He calmed them.
I know it would have pleased the Lord for one of them to have said, "Hey, you guys! Jesus is with us. We've all seen Him perform these mighty miracles, and we've got to rest in His presence during this storm. I'm scared just like you are. Scared to death! But He can handle it! Do you hear me? He can handle it!"
Oh, yes. They were aware of Him and His power and His authority much
More intensely after He came to their rescue. They were "fearful and amazed, saying, 'Who is this? Even the winds and water obey Him!'" It was still a good experience. They learned and God was glorified.
I wonder, though, what Jesus would have said if the story had ended differently? if they had behaved differently? He seemed discouraged when He asked them, "Where is your faith?" I wonder if any of them understood?
(Luke 8:22-25)
Lord, I would like to be a source of encouragement to You.
I get awfully scared when the winds start knocking me around
and my world is almost swamped, but I should know by now that
You can handle it. Next time, Lord, I'll remember that night so
long ago, and I'll say, "Think, now. Jesus is with us. We don't
need to be afraid. We've got to rest in His presence during the storm."
That doesn't mean my knees won't be shaking, right, Lord?
About this Plan
Has your faith become more of a burden than a source of joy and rest? The Christian life is not difficult to live. It's impossible to live! God never intended for you to live it. Jesus Christ is the only one who who has ever successfully lived the Christian life, and His plan is to live it through you. We expend so much energy spinning our wheels, trying to live for God instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to live through us. In this deeply personal, encouraging devotional plan, Anabel Gillham comes alongside you to teach you how to allow Christ to express His overcoming life through you on a moment-by-moment basis. It will remind you of who you are in Christ. It will open the floodgates of God's grace, guiding you to experience true rest and freedom in the midst of the storms of life.