Lifetime Daily DevotionsSample

God has not cast us off!
He is coming again,
the God of infinite compassion
and measureless grace. [1]
So this is Heaven! Amazing! Listen to the praises! What a glorious sound! What incredible beauty! But where is God? There! There He is over there! He doesn't seem to be listening to the doxologies. What is He doing? He's looking at something and'can you see His face? Can you see His face? Yes! He's weeping! Weeping! There are tears in God's eyes!
If I were to ask you to write your understanding of the Trinity briefly, I think your answer would be just as brief as mine! That's two of us who don't have a lot to say about the subject and it would be a challenging assignment for most anyone. Many men, dedicated and revered Bible scholars, have tried for a long time to explain the "Trinity". I'm not about to add my two-cents worth!
But there are some scriptures I want you to think about with me. I'll just print the central thought:
John 8:19: ...if you knew Me, you would know My Father also.
John 10:30 ... I and the Father are one.
John 10:38 ...that you may know that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father.
John 14:9 ... He who has seen Me has seen the Father.
John 14:10 ... the Father abiding in Me, does His works.
II Corinthians 5:19 ... God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself.
Those scriptures tell us that Jesus and God are one, so what we see in the Son, we would also see in the Father. Am I thinking correctly? Let me then give you an amazing thought.
There are tears in the eyes of God as He looks over His blighted creation.
Jesus looked out over the city of Jerusalem, teeming with pilgrims and He wept. Why? Why did He weep? He saw what all the other pilgrims did not see. People. Masses of hurting people. Wandering sheep without a shepherd. People who had rejected His gift of reconciliation and refused His love, people destroying the beauty He so carefully and joyfully planned for them.
He looks out over your city and my city in the very same way today and He weeps. Why? What does He see? He sees men and women on battlefields being killed and emotionally traumatized for life, many of them mere children. He sees beloved sons and daughters being blown to pieces defending those things He so freely gave us'peace, security, love. People. People fighting for notoriety, killing themselves to get more, have more, be viewed as "successful". Children. Neglected, unprotected children. Greedy people. Selfish people. Heartbroken people. Lonely people. Sad. Disillusioned. People who callously and carelessly have rejected His incredible, precious gift of reconciliation and love. Jesus wept. God weeps.
How do you view God? Sitting on His throne, oblivious of our grief? Smiling contentedly as those already in His presence minister to Him? Never thinking of His children here in this cruel, ugly, world? No. He weeps for us and what we must endure while we are living in Satan's ungodly kingdom. He weeps because we ignorantly try to face the evils around us in our own strength. He weeps, as Jesus wept at the tomb of Lazarus because we deny the hope He has given us, the joy set before us.
Yes. We know, now and forever, that there are tears in the heart of God, and that the Creator of this universe has infinite compassion. [2] He weeps for His children just as we weep for our children. He loves us just as we love our own.
Lord, how many times have I cried for the pain my children face? How many nights do I lie awake talking to You about their destroyed dreams? How often do I silently lift them into Your hands of love, compassion, and power? You understand, God, because you weep for those You love. I am so glad that I can talk to You about it and You say to me, "I know what you're talking about, dear Anabel. We will watch over them together, you and I."
[1] James Stewart: The Wind of the Spirit
[2] Ibid
About this Plan

Has your faith become more of a burden than a source of joy and rest? The Christian life is not difficult to live. It's impossible to live! God never intended for you to live it. Jesus Christ is the only one who who has ever successfully lived the Christian life, and His plan is to live it through you. We expend so much energy spinning our wheels, trying to live for God instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to live through us. In this deeply personal, encouraging devotional plan, Anabel Gillham comes alongside you to teach you how to allow Christ to express His overcoming life through you on a moment-by-moment basis. It will remind you of who you are in Christ. It will open the floodgates of God's grace, guiding you to experience true rest and freedom in the midst of the storms of life.
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