God Liberates YouSample

Satan is real and is out to steal, kill, and destroy the believer. It is important to know your enemy so that you can properly guard yourself from his numerous threats, attempts, and attacks. If you are a child of covenant, you already know that the enemy’s plans for your life are contrary to God’s plans. But rest assured because God’s love, faithfulness, grace, and mercies are paramount, so that means Satan has restricted authority regarding your life. Although the enemy plots to create snares and nets hoping to permanently entangle you, God has already liberated you. This doesn’t mean that your life will be easy breezy and permanently free from trials, tribulations, or valley experiences, but it does mean that the overall plan of the enemy concerning you will not prevail. This promise from God is refreshing and rewarding to receive! God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit is our liberator! It is important that we receive God’s truth, Walk-in his truth and be mindful of his truth so that when the enemy comes in with lies we can immediately extinguish his flaming nets of suppression with God’s fresh liberating promises. Consciously receive God’s promises and power in your life today as you walk victoriously in Christ Jesus.
God, you are my vindicator and liberator, you are bigger than any issue I face. Thank you for being my refuge and deliverer from every trap set up by the enemy. Thank you for your love, mercy, grace, favor, and your continuous protection. In Jesus Name, AMEN.
About this Plan

In the God Liberates You Bible Plan, readers will discover in scripture that Jesus Christ has freed them from every bondage, chain and curse. Knowing this truth, believers will be encouraged as they experience God's loving liberating power operating in their lives right now.
We would like to thank Dr. Kennetra A. Bryant for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.drkennetrabryant.com |