Everyday WorshipSample

Make Time
In everyday life, there are so many things pulling you in different directions. The TV will call out for you to watch it for hours. The iPad or computer will scream out for you to give it some attention. Homework will pile back up. Friends will want to hang out. Teams will still rely on you. Parents will still require you to do housework. And before you know it, you’re swept away by the busyness of life.
So many things always fight for your attention. Tasks and people will be trying to claw their way up to gain your attention. Things will be fighting for your worship, and in those moments it will be easy to put God on the back burner of your life and get to Him when you have some extra time.
But we have to make sure we don’t let that happen. We can’t reduce a huge God to a hobby—something we just do and pay attention to on our spare time. We need to keep Him in the forefront of everything we do. He needs to remain at the center of our vision. Everything else should hinge on and flow out of His being first in our lives.
True worship is a whole-life response to how great you know God to be. It should be with everything we have, everything we are, and everything we do.
About this Plan

Worshiping God is so much more than singing songs in church. Worship should be how we live. In this Bible Plan, we’ll discover what it looks like to worship God in our everyday lives.
We would like to thank Switch, a ministry of Life.Church, for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: www.life.church