Homeschool Moms Teach the Psalms (8-14)Sample

Psalm 10: Is God Hiding?
Our hearts can sometimes deceive us into thinking that God is hiding or doesn’t see what is happening around us. Even the wicked think they are safe from God’s view and continue in sin. But Psalm 10 reminds us that God sees us all. He sees and helps the righteous, and He sees and judges the wicked.
The psalmist starts out wondering why God is seemingly hiding, but in the end of his discourse he realizes three things: 1) God will be found by the righteous; 2) the wicked can never hide from God; and 3) when we feel like we are hidden, God sees us all.
The majority of Psalm 10 speaks about the deeds of the wicked, and lest we brush past those verses too quickly, let’s seek out what is hiding here and how these verses relate to us. If we do a comparison of the wicked to the righteous, we can use the opposite language to help us think through our part. Here are a few examples:
- Verse 2 says, “The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor.” (Therefore, the righteous humbly protects the poor.)
- Verse 4 says, “The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God; God is in none of his thoughts.” (Therefore, the righteous is lowly and seeks God; God is in all of his thoughts.)
- Verse 7 says, “His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and oppression; under his tongue is trouble and iniquity.” (Therefore, the mouth of the righteous is full of praise, truth, and encouragement. Under his tongue is peace and righteousness.)
- Verse 11 says, “He has said in his heart, ‘God has forgotten; He hides His face; He will never see.’” (The righteous says in his heart, “God has remembered; He shows His face; He will always see.”)
The psalm ends with revealing the Lord’s loving, just, eternal rule over all nations and people. "Truly, He remembers and He sees."
To Do with the Kids:
Compare the righteous and wicked while reading Psalm 10 aloud. How should the righteous man’s ways be different? For young ones, play “hide and seek” and discuss that we are never hidden from God. Or play “blind man’s bluff” and show how we can’t always see, but God always sees. Older ones read Jeremiah 29:13 and talk about what happens when you seek God with all your heart.
About this Plan

This 7-day plan covers Psalms 8-14, including a short devotion for the home educator, as well as activities and discussion points for homeschool students. Read and teach the beauty of the book of Psalms and find refreshment and encouragement in the words of these powerful chapters.
We would like to thank The Old Schoolhouse for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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