God IsSample

It amazes me when I find lists I've made in the past of bills, some notated with scriptures beside them. I stand in awe each time because it's a reminder of a time I was worried, wondering how I would get things paid, and God always came through. I even laugh sometimes feeling foolish that I ever worried about it in the first place. Those subtle moments help me remember that there's never been a bill left unpaid, a belly left hungry, or need unmet in my home. Somehow, someway God always come through. Because of this, when the pandemic swept our nation, many lost their jobs, and lives were lost, I knew I had to recall all of those moments where God made a way.
There's a choice we have to make when a bill shows up unexpectedly, the groceries look low, or even worse a pandemic comes and changes the world as we knew it. We can focus on our circumstances or we can focus on the God who sees our lives in totality and not moment by moment. God saw this coming before you were even born, which means He already set in place the provision you would need to live and thrive as He called you to.
Our job is believing that He will do what He said He would do. He knows the number of hairs on our head, so surely He knows our needs. Even better He said He will take care of them, according to His riches and glory. I know it gets hard when you can't see where your next meal will come from or how you'll provide for your family, but that is where you practice releasing and receiving.
Release the anxiety, doubt, and fear, then receive His peace, protection, and provision. These are the times where you remember God as Abba Father. Children rarely stress about what they will eat or drink, or the clothes they will wear, because they trust the parent has things under control. You're God's child, trust Him, He has your life under control and all things concerning you.
About this Plan

In seasons of uncertainty, we tend to search for answers wherever we can find them. Our eyes are glued to social media, news channels, and the voices of many. But whether you're searching for the right path to take, protection, a provider, or peace of mind; I challenge you to find the answer in God. After all, everything we need...God Is.
We would like to thank Just Too Young Network for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.clarissascreativeconsulting.com/about