The Discovery: Exploring God’s Call On Your Life Sample

As you begin the ministry of Jesus Christ in your current assignment, it is vital that you understand your responsibility not only to your call, but to the Body of Christ as a whole.
God created the church, both locally and globally, to function as a single unit with a single purpose. There is no room for competition, jealousy, stubbornness, laziness, or arrogance within the Body. Any time a human organ ceases to function in the way that it was designed to function, it affects the rest of the body. It may kill or damage other organs, put added strain on other organs, or kill the body alltogether. Organ malfunction is serious business within the human body; the malfunctioning of a believer within the Body of Christ is just as serious.
During the course of your life, you will be tempted to malfunction as a member of the Body of Christ. Hurting yourself and others out of a desire for recognition that can only be satisfied by God, you may become competitive. Forgetting that you have everything that you need in Christ and that His grace is sufficient for you, you may become jealous, slanderous, or steal the joy of fellow believers.
Essentially attempting to replace Jesus as the Head of the Body, you may become stubborn, paralyzing the rhythm of God within the Body. Forgetting the cross that is yours to carry, you may become lazy, or, forgetting the grace that saved you when you did not deserve it, you may become arrogant.
Whatever your tendency, guard against it, humbly assuming your place within the Body, replacing your own desires with God’s desires, and finding contentment in your own assignment.
Respond to the following in your journal:
Because of our sinful natures, we are all tempted to malfunction within the Body. Knowing yourself, how do you predict that you will be tempted? How can you guard against it?
What did you learn through Bible study today?
How were you encouraged? How were you challenged?
About this Plan

Welcome! We are so excited that you want to explore God’s unique plan for your life. Remember, ultimately, the goal of this reading plan is not to figure out what your future job might be, but to hear from God about what it means to be called, so make sure to give it your best effort! Enjoy the journey! Here are just a few tips as you jump in: • Come prepared mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. • Shut out all distractions. • Start with prayer. Keep communication between you and God open and easy by confessing any unconfessed sin, accepting His forgiveness, and asking Him to speak to your heart through Bible study. • Take your time. Read all of the verses listed, listen for God’s voice. You may want to write in a journal as you go so you can track your spiritual progress and remember what God says to you.
We would like to thank Angela Sanders, the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, and their youth ministry group for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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