1 Kings: Walk Before Me FaithfullySample

God appears to Solomon, for the second time (3:5), stating he has heard Solomon’s prayer at the temple dedication and reminding him to ‘walk before me faithfully with integrity of heart and uprightness’ (v. 4). This theme has been recurrent in these chapters, reminding us how to evaluate Solomon’s life but also establishing the standard by which future Davidic kings are to be assessed. The moral standard of the king matters significantly for Israel, as we will see many times. The promises of 2 Samuel 7 are contingent on the faithfulness of the king.
In some streams of Christianity, obedience to God is underplayed, in conjunction with a strong but misplaced view of grace. However, integrity of heart and uprightness have no less a place for the people of God today – not least its leaders and ministers. The importance of inner integrity is also often diminished as it is usually hidden from public view, but our all-seeing and all-knowing God looks upon the heart. Rigour in striving for such moral character has a place for every Christian.
As a reward for Hiram’s labours on both the temple and the king’s palace, Solomon gives him twenty Galilean cities (v. 11). Though Solomon’s gift sounds generous, it is in fact disastrous for he is giving away part of the tribal promised land God gave Israel. Again Solomon is overriding the law of God.
Solomon’s wife is once more named simply as Pharaoh’s daughter (v. 24), which again highlights Solomon’s questionable politics. Yet at the same time, Solomon’s piety is demonstrated in his offering of sacrifices (v. 25).
Solomon remains a person with a divided heart, loving God but at the same time rising above God’s law and loving other things and women. Our hearts are also divided, despite the command to love God with all our heart. Only Jesus, David’s greater son, has an integrity of heart.
O for a heart to praise my God,
A heart from sin set free!
A heart that always feels Thy blood
So freely spilt for me!
(Charles Wesley)
About this Plan

1 Kings tells the story of the rise and, tragically, the fall of God’s leaders. You’ll meet Israel’s greatest king as well as their most notorious. Despite the division of hearts, loyalties, and kingdoms, 1 Kings also teaches us of God’s faithfulness. You’ll see how God remained at work behind the scenes and through his prophets to fulfil his promises to his wayward people.
We would like to thank 10ofThose for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://www.10ofthose.com/
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