Taking a Real RestSample

‘Come to me all you who labour...’ (Matthew 11: 28, NJKV)
In Exodus 20:8-11, God tells us to follow his lead and rest on the Sabbath. But, it’s not any kind of rest. It’s returning from the work of the world and resting in him, with him.
In the New Testament, the command comes more as a personal invitation. Jesus knew the importance of resting with his Father. The Gospels show him often taking time out, taking time alone to refresh and regroup with his Father, and calling his disciples to do the same. In Mark 6:31, he calls to his exhausted disciples ‘let’s go off by ourselves and rest awhile’. And he calls to us today.
I find it hard to hear that invitation, let alone reply to it, as I push on in a world that says busy is best and the longest-hours-working person wins. And when I do switch off, I don’t necessarily switch on to Jesus – there’s a whole world of other options calling and bingeing on Netflix can seem more attractive than bingeing on the Bible.
Sound familiar? Or is it just me? What time could you intentionally set aside to spend time with God?
Father, help me to choose to rest and choose you to rest in. Help me to spend that time with you and your word, just as your Son did. Help me to hear your call to rest, not the world’s call to work.
About this Plan

After the year that was 2020, we all need rest. Rest is a good thing; it heals, it restores, it renews. God values rest: The Bible reveals how important it is. Like the good Father he is, God wants us to enjoy rest, and even instructs us to rest. But, how good are we at actually resting and resting in the way God deems best?
We would like to thank Bible Society Australia for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://biblesociety.org.au