What's So Amazing About Scripture?Sample

A Guiding Light
Scripture is amazing—it is a river and the breath of God. It’s also a blazing light.
God has not left us in the dark about how to live, but has shown us what’s real, what’s true, and what’s best. God’s “word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)
It lights up the path we tread, but more than that, it lights up the horizon up ahead. Peter the apostle describes the Old Testament prophetic Scriptures about Jesus like this: “You will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.” (2 Peters 1:19) The best way to pull back the curtains on God’s hope-filled light every day is to flip open God’s Word every day
It also enlightens us about life’s meaning. In its first chapter, we discover that there is a God and he is not silent. Many times over we read, “God said ‘Let there be’ … and there was.” The first thing he speaks into existence is “light.” (Genesis 1:3) As we read or scroll through its passages, from beginning to end, we find a God who continues to speak, each time with similar effect: bringing something out of nothing, order out of chaos. As we read, another ray of light drives back the chaos and the confusion in our own world.
Not surprisingly, over time, the light of God’s Word has pervaded not only individual lives, but also entire cultures. Time Magazine stated that the most significant, future-shaping moment in the second millennium was the printing of the Bible at Gutenberg’s Press—putting the good book into the hands and language of the common people proved to be the catalyst that led to more subsequent and radical societal changes than any other moment in our collective history. With the Bible came the idea, for the first time, that morality is essentially about considering the wellbeing of the other, especially the downtrodden; and that every human being is without gradations, an equally valuable image-bearer, worthy of fair treatment.
That's why, as we allow God’s Word to enlighten us, we can also expect to become a light-bringer to the situations and people around us.
About this Plan

What difference does daily Bible reading really make? Over 7 days, kick-start or reboot your confidence in and hunger for God’s Word by discovering what it says about itself and its power to transform your life and world. With your passion and expectancy ignited, this short journey will empower and transform every other journey you take through Scripture.
We would like to thank Terran Williams for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: http://terranwilliams.com