The Cross & EasterSample

“Our Identity and Hope”
In writing to his audience at Galatia, Paul urged them over and over again, in one form or another, to remember Christ and the cross. As Paul concluded his letter to the Galatians, he did what we will often do today through the use of italics, underlining, bolding the font or any numbers of ways, he emphasized his point by writing largely. In essence Paul said, “I don’t want you to miss this part. Pay attention and read closely.”
It says that Paul wrote in “large letters” with his own hand (Galatians 6:11) in order to tell his audience that he was the one writing, and that the truth he was telling them came from one source. He wrote in verse 14, “But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.”
Paul had been saved for some time, and yet he was still saying, “I’m only going to brag on the cross.” He did not let the historical reality of the cross lose its contemporary relevance. Paul’s only point of reference for his life was the cross. The cross was the centrality of his very existence. The cross was the air of his breath, the beat of his heart and the very substance of his significance. It was the power to overcome his weaknesses.
Father, may I never boast in my own strength or in my own abilities. It is the cross of Jesus Christ that has made my life possible – it is in His strength that I have found my own personal gains. Anything good I have is a gift coming down from You Lord, out of Your heart of mercy through Christ crucified. In Christ’s name, amen.
Seek Him Serve Others
Make a mental note today to demonstrate value to someone or multiple people you come into contact with. Treat them with the dignity Christ died to give them and go out of your way to serve someone else out of a heart of gratitude.
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About this Plan

We wear crosses around our necks, but how are we to apply it to our lives? Jesus’ work holds incredible power for us. Without a Friday, there would never have been a Sunday. Easter could not have happened without the cross. Discover how the cross integrates into your life through this devotional reading plan as you prepare your heart for Easter.
We would like to thank Tony Evans for providing this plan. For more infromation, please visit:
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